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By Andrea K. Hammer

During my career as an arts and business writer, I’ve had the honor of interviewing many inspiring leaders. Their powerful presence is often communicated in understated ways. Beyond earning recognition for success, they are admired and deeply respected.

Qualities of Respected Leaders Creating Lasting Impressions

Photo by Heidi Sandstrom

Here are some shared qualities of respected leaders creating memorable and lasting impressions:

  1. Lift others up: Leaders have a habit of shining the light on others rather than themselves. They focus on others’ strengths rather than trying to get ahead by tearing competitors down.
  2. Arrive on time: Leaders show up for meetings and interviews on the dot or even early. They respect and value others’ schedules.
  3. Listen carefully: During interviews and conversations, respected leaders don’t dominate the discussion. Instead, they encourage the free expression of ideas and focus on them with undivided attention.
  4. Help others feel at ease: Leaders often treat new acquaintances like longtime colleagues. They have the gift of welcoming others into their circle.
  5. Demonstrate by example: Instead of lecturing others about desired performance or goals, leaders model desired actions.
  6. Weather storms: Successful leaders know how to navigate and withstand crises with grace. They avoid fault finding, focus on solutions and convey unwavering confidence about identifying a positive direction.
  7. Adapt to change: Accomplished leaders constantly monitor–and stay ahead of–industry changes. They know how to adapt and remain resilient.
  8. Make meaningful contributions: Despite back-to-back meetings and non-stop demands on their time, leaders find a way to contribute to their community. They serve on boards and readily offer a boost to those in need.

Your Favorite Leaders and Info to Develop a Q&A About Your Work

What other qualities have you noticed in successful leaders? Can you identify a few and explain why they have commanded your respect? To develop a Q&A about your work as a leader, email

Andrea K. Hammer, a Philadelphia-based freelance writer, is the founder and director of Artsphoria: Arts, Business & Technology Center and Artsphoria International Magazine.


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Andrea Karen Hammer, a Philadelphia-based freelance writer, is the founder, CEO and owner of Artsphoria Inclusive & Collaborative Publishing, Media Group & Shop ( She leads the operation and innovation at Artsphoria: Arts, Business & Technology Center (, Artsphoria Event Advertising & Reporting (; Artsphoria International Magazine (, Artsphoria Movie Reviews & Film Forum (; Artsphoria: Food for the Soul (; Artsphoria's Animation & Imagination World ( and Artsphoria Shop (

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